Friday, January 18, 2008

Denee Barr Art News and More

Everybody Loves a Great Story...............

Title: The Hunt
Artist: Kay Klotzbach

My dog paintings are about the quiet, mysterious and introspective part of me. Although the dog is the subject, the content of the work goes much deeper. Loneliness, taking a journey, dream-like states, longing, devotion, searching, abandonment and loss are touched on in these paintings. I am interested in showing and sharing images that are from unusual spatial vantage points and at times so real that they become surreal.

What do dogs dream about, what is that state that humans experience before sleep and waking up and are there parallels between these two worlds? How and why do dogs love us so completely? Where will my dog lead me today and where will my painting lead me? These questions are intertwined with my subject.

Jewel my first dog opened up another world for me as a person and an artist. Connecting with her took me to a different place where time stood still. Unfortunately, I could not stop time for her. She was diagnosed with lymphoma in July 2007 and the days that I share with her are all the more precious.

Artist Statement by Kay Klotzbach


Stories to Tell and Visual Constructions: Sibbison & Whitting
Howard County Arts Council
Howard County Center for the Arts
Ellicott City, Maryland
(410) 313-ARTS

On January 11, 2008, two new exhibits opened at the Howard County Center for the Arts. Stories to Tell is a narrative show featuring artists Beth Blake, Jason Godeke, Linda Adele Goodine, Li Hu, Kay Klotzbach and Nelson Reinhart. In Gallery II, Visual Constructions features abstract artwork by Robert Sibbison and Peter Whitting. Both exhibits are on display until February 22, 2008.

A free, public reception will be held on Friday, January 18, 2007 from 6-8PM (Snow date: January 25, 2008). Meet the artists, enjoy live music and light refreshments.

Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 10AM-8PM; Saturday 10AM-4PM; and Sunday 12-4PM.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Denee Barr Art News and More

Say It, Believe It, Receive It

Birds on a Rail Taking Flight in Winter, Carl Schurz Park
New York City
c Denee Barr 2003
All Rights Reserved

Medium: Photography

Table of Contents
From the Book
Attitude is Everything for Success
Author: Keith D. Harrell c 2004

Achievement: Expect It....Action Take It....Attitude: Leverage It....Belief: Trust It....Challenge: Face It....Change: Embrace It....Choice: Make It....Committment: Honor It....Communication: Improve It....Completion: Finish It....Confidence: Hold On to It....Desire: Want It....Destiny: Discover It....Enthusiasm: Live with It....Excellence: Strive to Reach It....Faith: Strengthen It....Goal: Obtain It....Gratitude: Demonstrate It....Humility: Develop It....Integrity: Value It....Love: Share It....Persistence: Maintain It....Possibility: Believe It....Purpose: Find It....Risk: Understand It....Sacrifice: Accept It....Self-Esteem: Build It....Setback: Overcome It....Success: Work at It....Wisdom: Get It

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Denee Barr Art News and More

Field Series #2 by Susan Due Pearcy
Medium: Charcoal and Cold Wax/Dry Pigment

Viewed in the Lowe House of Delegates at last year's
Maryland Arts Day Maryland-Kanagawa, Japan Sister State Cultural Tour Exhibition "Landscape & Nature: A View From Maryland" which is now on display at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center in Frederick, Maryland through March 9, 2008

Don't Even Think About Missing..........
Maryland Arts Day 2008

Speak Out for the Arts in Maryland

10th Maryland Arts Day
Annapolis, Maryland
Thursday, February 7, 2008

The ONLY Conference for the Arts in Maryland

Speak with Your State Representatives
Network with 500 Arts Professionals
Learn How to Advocate for Your Arts Organization
Experience Continuing Education from Arts Leaders

Be one voice together in a chorus of hundreds as we advocate for the arts in Maryland. Maryland Arts Day is a statewide advocacy and grassroots campaign organized by Maryland Citizens for the Arts and its companion organization, Maryland Citizens for the Arts Foundation, in support of state funding for the arts and the Maryland State Arts Council.

NOTE: Your registration fee includes parking, a continental breakfast, box lunch, morning and afternoon panels, and a dessert reception. Any cancellations made after February 1 or on-site registration forms will be charged a $10 administrative fee.

SPECIAL NEEDS: Individuals with special needs are encouraged to call 410-467-6700 by January 22

Contact: Maryland Citizens for the Arts
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 205
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
(410) 467-6700 phone
(410) 467-6400 fax


Art Moves........Making a Lifestyle!


Monday, January 14, 2008

Denee Barr Art News and More

The Art of Photography at Millennium Arts Salon
Washington, DC

Exhibition: Now Through February 28, 2008
Hours: Saturdays 1-5pm and by appointment (Free)

Photographers: Denee Barr, Barbara Blanco, Michael Platt, Hank Ferrand, Adrienne Mills, Michael Parker, Jonathan French

Salon Talk and Book Signing with Dr. Deborah Willis
Saturday, February 2, 2008 from 6-8pm
(202) 319-8988

Let me share with you today don't miss.
Put on your event calendar!

Deborah Willis, Ph.D
New York University
Photography & Imaging
University Professor and Chair


Deb Willis has an affiliated appointment with the College of Arts and Sciences, Africana Studies. She was a 2005 Guggenheim Fellow and Fletcher Fellow, and a 2000 MacArthur Fellow, as well as the 1996 recipient of the Anonymous Was a Woman Foundation award. She has pursued a dual professional career as an art photographer and as one of the nation's leading historians of African American photography and curator of African American culture. Exhibitions of her work include: A Sense of Place, Frick, University of Pittsburgh, 2005; Regarding Beauty, University of Wisconsin, 2003; Embracing Eatonville, Light Works, Syracuse, NY, 2003-4; HairStories, Scottsdale Contemporary Art Museum, Scottsdale, AZ 2003-4; The Comforts of Home, Hand Workshop Art Center, Richmond, VA, 1999; Re/Righting History: Counternarratives by Contemporary African-American Artists, Katonah Museum of Art, 1999; Memorable Histories and Historic Memories, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 1998; Cultural Baggage, Rice University, Houston, TX, 1995. Her curated Exhibitions include: Engulfed by Katrina: Photographs before and After the Storm, Nathan Cummings Foundation, and Imagining Families—Images and Voices and Reflections in Black. Other notable projects include The Black Female Body A Photographic History with Carla Williams (Temple University Press, Philadephia, 2002); A Small Nation of People: W.E.B. DuBois and the Photographs from the Paris Exposition (Amistad Press, 2003); Reflections in Black: A History of Black Photographers - 1840 to the Present (New York: W.W. Norton); Visual Journal: Photography in Harlem and DC in the Thirties and Forties (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1996); Picturing Us: African American Identity in Photography (The New Press, New York, NY, 1994); and VANDERZEE: The Portraits of James VanDerZee (Harry Abrams Publishing, New York, NY, 1993).