Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Denee Barr Art News and More

Pictured from left: Kimberly Jensen, Jerry Gordon, Robert O'Brien, Charles Crawford, and Denee Barr

Pictured from left: Athena Dalyrmple, Ethan Reggia, and Damon Foreman

On Thursday, June 16th 2011, the Howard County Arts Council hosted its third annual Open Mic Night in the black box theatre at the Howard County Center for the Arts beginning at 6:30 pm. Open Mic Night was held in conjunction with the free exhibit reception for the Resident Visual Artists 2011 and Coded exhibits + the Columbia Festival of the Arts! Hosting the event was Damon Foreman, jazz musician, teacher, and owner of Damon Foreman Academy. www.hocoarts.org www.columbiafestival.com http://www.damonforemanmusicacademy.com/live/ www.deneebarrartnews.blogspot.com
Pictured from left: Denee Barr and Kimberly Jensen