Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Denee Barr Art News and More

Gallery I - Personal Perspectives 2008 Annual Resident Artists'
The Resident Artists are: Jim Adkins, Pat Baker, Joan Bevelaqua, Carolyn Cates, Nichole Hickey, Art Landerman, Diana Marta, Leora Smith, Thomasine Spore, Andrei Trach, Jamie Travers, Mary Jo Tydlacka, & David Zuccarini.

Howard County Center for the Arts
8510 High Ridge Road
Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
(410) 313-ARTS

Reception: Thursday, June 19 from 5:30pm-9:00pm, Free
Exhibition: May 9 - June 22, 2008

Gallery Hours: M-F 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 12-4pm

Note: The reception is in pARTicipation with the Columbia Festival of the Arts (a free shuttle service will be provided between Howard County Center for the Arts, the Howard Community College Rouse Company Foundation Gallery and the Columbia Art Center's galleries.) The Howard County Center for the Arts also welcomes the Columbia Foundation's Next Generation Initiative, twentyfivefortyfive. The evening will feature showcase performances by Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Columbia Orchestra, and Howard County Ballet.

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